Bundle OWLv2 for Chemistry Textbook - Zumdahl: Chemistry 11th and Brown: Organic Chemistry 9th


Bundle OWLv2 Interactive with eBook

Zumdahl: Chemistry 11th

Learning chemistry is more than just memorizing facts and formulas. To be successful, you need to understand fundamental chemistry concepts and how to apply them to solve problems. CHEMISTRY, Eleventh Edition, will help you gain the tools you need to succeed in your chemistry course–and beyond. In addition, useful online resources and instant feedback in OWLv2 help bring the material to life and make learning even more effective.

Brown:AE Organic Chemistry, 9th Edition

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Ninth Edition, is revised to align with the way students approach complicated material. It includes pull-out organic chemistry reaction roadmaps organized by chapter to help you devise your own reaction pathways. Emphasizing practical “how-to” skills, the new edition is packed with problems, along with hundreds of detailed solutions to all in-chapter exercises to guide you through logical approaches to solving problems. In the eBook and OWLv2 course, there are 100 author-created videos that explain and illustrate the most difficult concepts.

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